
MINDBODY Integrations

Integrate MINDBODY with other apps and automate your workflow

MINDBODY is a powerful business management software that combines your scheduling, task automation, reporting tools and more into a single online platform.
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Triggers (56)
Cancelled appointment booking (instant)
Triggered when an appointment booking is cancelled
Cancelled class booking (instant)
Triggered when a booking for a class is cancelled
Cancelled class schedule (instant)
Triggered when a class schedule is cancelled. When this occurs, all of the classes associated with the schedule are removed.
Cancelled client contract (instant)
Triggered when a client's contract is cancelled
Cancelled membership (instant)
Triggered when a membership is cancelled
Class updated (instant)
Triggered when a single class is updated.
Completed appointment
Triggered when an appointment is completed.
Deactivated client (instant)
Triggered when a client is deactivated
Deactivated location (instant)
Triggered when a location is deactivated
Every appointment in date range
This is not a standard trigger! Always emits every appointment in the configured date range.
Every class in date range
This is not a standard trigger! Always emits classes in the configured date range.
Every uncanceled class in date range
This is not a standard trigger! Always emits uncanceled classes in the configured date range.
New appointment booking (instant)
Triggered when an appointment booking is created
New class (integration setting)
Triggered when a class is created in the amount of time specified by an integration setting stored in a lookup table. The default is 24 hours.
New class booking (instant)
Triggered when a new booking is made for a class
New class schedule (instant)
Triggered when a new class offering is scheduled
New client (instant)
Triggered when a new client is added
New client contract (instant)
Triggered when a new contract is sold to a client
New completed class
Triggered when a class completes
New completed class (integration setting)
Triggered when a class completes within a number of hours specified by an integration setting.
New location (instant)
Triggered when a location is created
New membership (instant)
Triggered when a new membership is created
New or updated appointment -7d +30d for any connection
Triggered for new or updated appointments in the last 7 days or 30 days in the future, for any connected account.
New or updated appointment in date range
Triggered for new or updated appointments in the specified date range.
New or updated class
Triggered for new or updated classes in the configured date range.
New or updated class (integration setting)
Triggered when a class is created or updated in the amount of time specified by an integration setting stored in a lookup table. The default is 24 hours. Updates are only triggered when the class name, staff id, resource id, or cancelled status are modified.
New or updated client
Triggered when a client is added or modified.
New or updated client (instant)
Triggered when a client is added or updated
New or updated client (integration setting)
Triggered when a client is added or modified. Will include inactive clients if specified by an integration setting. By default inactive clients are not included. NOTE: this trigger will only work when less than 200 clients are added/updated per day.
New or updated gift card
Triggered when a gift card is created or updated
New or updated package
Triggered when a package is created or updated
New or updated product
Triggered when a product is created or updated
New or updated product (integration setting)
Triggered when a product is created or updated. An integration setting is used to control the fetching of products only sold online.
New or updated products inventory
Triggered when inventory changes for a product, or when products are added.
New or updated service
Triggered when a service is created or updated
New or updated session type
Triggered when session types are created or updated
New or updated staff member
Triggered when staff member is created or updated
New sale (instant)
Triggered when a new sale is made to a client.
New sale for any connected account (instant)
Triggered when a new sale is made to a client for any connected MINDBODY account.
New sale itemized payment (instant)
Triggered when a new sale is made to a client. Payments emitted as separate rows. NOTE: line items are not emitted, use the separate trigger to obtain them.
New sale line item (instant)
Triggered when a new sale is made to a client. Line items are emitted as separate rows. NOTE: payments are not emitted, use the separate trigger to obtain them.
New sales since days
Triggers for new sales that occur within the configured number of days
Two-way sync new or updated clients
A polling trigger for two-way syncing new and updated clients, with enhanced on-the-fly mapping. Can only be used with enhanced two-way sync actions that support on-the-fly mapping.
Two-way sync new or updated clients (instant)
A trigger for two-way syncing new and updated clients, with enhanced on-the-fly mapping. Can only be used with enhanced two-way sync actions that support on-the-fly mapping.
Upcoming appointment in database
Triggered when an appointment in the database is scheduled to start within the account's "Email_notification_timing_hrs" setting.
Upcoming appointment in database via setting
Triggered when an appointment in the database is scheduled to start within the specified "notification timing hours" setting.
Upcoming class
Triggered when an uncanceled class is upcoming in the specified amount of time.
Upcoming class (Zoom meeting creation)
Triggered when an uncanceled class is upcoming in the amount of time specified by a setting stored in a lookup table. The default is 24 hours.
Upcoming class in database
Triggered when a class in the database is scheduled to start within the account's "Email_notification_timing_hrs" setting.
Upcoming class in database via entered time
Triggered when a class in the database is scheduled to start within the entered amount of time.
Updated appointment booking (instant)
Triggered when an appointment booking is updated
Updated class booking (instant)
Triggered when a booking for a class is updated
Updated class schedule (instant)
Triggered when a scheduled class offering is modified. Note that if the class schedule’s endDate changes, classes are added or removed from the schedule accordingly.
Updated client (instant)
Triggered when a client is updated
Updated client contract (instant)
Triggered when a client's contract is updated
Updated location (instant)
Triggered when a location is updated
Actions (97)
Add appointment
Adds a new appointment
Add client
Adds a client. An error will occur if the client already exists.
Add client relationship
Adds a client relationship. Existing relationships are not removed. NOTE: custom relationships are not currently supported due to limitations with the MINDBODY API.
Add completed sale to client
Adds a completed sale to a client using a custom payment method.
Add contact log
Creates a new contact log.
Add or update client
Adds or updates a client based on the selected matching logic.
Add or update client index
Adds or updates a client index. Existing indexes on the client are not removed.
Add site client index
Adds a site client index. An error will occur if the index name already exists.
Book client into a class
Books the specified client into the specified class.
Calculate total spend for client
Returns the total amount of money received for the specified client, going back for the specified number of days.
Client purchases: fetch
Fetches client purchases that meet the search criteria from the MBO API. The API response is stored in the database. This action emits a transaction uuid and an array of records IDs. Use a loop and the "client purchases: get record" action to process all the fetched records.
Client purchases: get record
Emits the client purchase record from the database that was previously fetched using the "Client purchases: fetch" action, which must be executed before this action is used in a loop to process all records.
Find client IDs by email
Returns all client IDs that have the specified email address.
Find clients by email
Returns up to 100 clients that have the specified email address.
Find clients by phone
Returns up to 100 clients that have the specified phone number. Can either be Mobile phone, Home phone or Work phone.
Find contact log type by name
Returns the ID of the specified contact log type. An error occurs if zero or multiple are found.
Get activation code
Generates an activation code and link to access a Mindbody Site API.
Get all client contract IDs
Returns all contract IDs for the specified client. Use a Loop and the "get client contract by ID" action to fetch details for each contract.
Get all clients booked for a class
Fetches the ids of all clients booked for the specified class. The output is suitable to use within a loop.
Get all products inventory
Returns inventory information for all products at all locations.
Get all sellable online products
Returns all products only sold online.
Get all staff members
Returns all staff members
Get appointment
Returns details for the specified appointment. If the appointment is not found an error occurs.
Get appointment by ID (mappable account)
Returns details for the specified appointment. If the appointment is not found an error occurs.
Get class
Returns details for the specified class. If the class is not found no error will occur, so a conditional must be used for error checking.
Get class by ID (mappable account)
Returns details for the specified class. If the class is not found no error will occur, so a conditional must be used for error checking.
Get class recently updated
Returns classes last modified on or after system time minus the entered amount of hours. No error will occur if no class is found.
Get class visits
Returns all visits for the specified class.
Get client
Returns details for the specified client. If the client is not found an error will occur.
Get client account balance
Returns account balance details for the specified client. If the client is not found no error will occur, so a conditional must be used for error checking.
Get client by ID (mappable account)
Returns details for the specified client. If the client is not found an error will occur.
Get client complete info
Returns complete client information along with list of purchased services, contract details, membership details and arrival programs for a specific client. If the client is not found an error will occur.
Get client contract
Returns details for the specified client contract. If the client contract is not found an error will occur.
Get client membership
Returns details for the specified client membership. If the client membership is not found an error will occur.
Get client memberships
Returns details for all of the specified client's memberships.
Get client purchased service by ID
Returns details for the specified service purchased by a specified client. No error occurs if none is found.
Get client purchased services
Returns details for services purchased by a specified client. No error occurs if the client is not found.
Get client services totals by product ID
Returns details for services purchased by a specified client for a specified product ID. If more than 1 matching client service is found, 'Count' and 'Remaining' are totaled and the furthest expiration date is used. No error occurs if none are found, the output is empty instead.
Get client visits
Returns details for client visits in the specified date range.
Get contact log types
Returns all defined contact log types. NOTE: currently returns no more than 200, which should be more than enough for most sites.
Get contract
Returns details for the specified contract. If the contract is not found an error will occur.
Get custom payment method by name
Returns the ID of the custom payment method having the specified name. An error occurs if zero or multiple are found.
Get gift card balance
Returns the remaining balance for the specified gift card. NOTE: no error occurs if the barcode ID is invalid.
Get gift cards
Returns up to 200 gift cards.
Get locations
Returns details for up to 200 locations. NOTE: currently only supports up to 200 locations, does not currently do pagination.
Get locations for connection
Returns details for up to 200 locations for the specified connection name. NOTE: currently only supports up to 200 locations, does not currently do pagination.
Get membership
Returns details for the specified membership. If the membership is not found an error will occur.
Get most recent client contract
Returns details for the most recent contract for the specified client. An error occurs no contract is not found.
Get most recent client contract (mappable account)
Returns details for the most recent contract for the specified client. An error occurs no contract is not found.
Get product
Returns details for the specified product. If the product is not found an error will occur.
Get product inventory
Returns inventory information for the specified product at all locations.
Get program
Returns details for the specified program. If the program is not found an error will occur.
Get sale
Returns details for the specified sale. If the sale is not found an error will occur.
Get sales in date range
Returns the Sale ID and Client ID for each sale in the specified date range. Use the "get sale" action to fetch details for each sale.
Get service
Returns details for the specified service. If the service is not found an error will occur.
Get session type
Returns details for the specified session type. If the session type is not found an error will occur.
Get session type by ID (mappable account)
Returns details for the specified session type. If the session type is not found an error will occur.
Get site
Returns details for the site associated with the configured connection
Get site for specified account
Returns details for the site connected to the specified account name.
Get staff member
Returns details for the specified staff member. If the staff member is not found an error will occur.
Lookup client payment
Returns payment information for the specified client and specified payment reference.
Purchase contract
Purchases a contract
Purchase gift card
Purchases a gift card
Register booked class visits in Zoom meeting
Fetches all clients booked for the specified class and registers them for the specified Zoom meeting
Remove client from a class
Removes the specified client from the specified class.
Return sale
Return a comped sale for a specified sale ID in business mode. The sale is returnable only if it is a sale of a service, product or gift card and it has not been used. Currently, only the comp payment method is supported.
Sales search: fetch
Fetches sales that meet the search criteria from the MBO API. The API response is stored in the database. This action emits a transaction uuid and an array of records IDs. Use a loop and the "sales search: get record" action to process all the fetched records.
Sales search: get record
Emits the sales record from the database that was previously fetched using the "Sales search: fetch" action, which must be executed before this action is used in a loop to process all records.
Select upcoming class
A utility action that lets an upcoming class that is up to 1 day old or 5 days in the future to be selected from a dropdown. The selected class' id is emitted as output.
Send password reset email
Sends a password reset email to the specified user.
Shopping cart - add item: package
Adds a package to the shopping cart.
Shopping cart - add item: product
Adds a product to the shopping cart.
Shopping cart - add item: service
Adds a service to the shopping cart.
Shopping cart - add item: tip
Adds a tip to the shopping cart.
Shopping cart - add payment: cash
Adds a cash payment to the shopping cart.
Shopping cart - add payment: check
Adds a check payment to the shopping cart.
Shopping cart - add payment: comp
Adds a complimentary amount to the shopping cart.
Shopping cart - add payment: custom
Adds a payment to the shopping cart using the specified custom payment method.
Shopping cart - add payment: gift card
Adds a gift card payment to the shopping cart.
Shopping cart - add payment: stored credit card
Adds a stored credit card payment to the shopping cart.
Shopping cart - checkout
Submits the shopping cart for checkout.
Shopping cart - create
Initializes a new shopping cart. Emits a cart ID that must be passed into other shopping cart actions to add items to the cart and checkout.
Shopping cart - delete
Deletes the specified cart from the database.
Shopping cart - get grand total (before payments)
Calculates the grand total amount of the cart. Any payments previously added to the cart are ignored and a value of zero is sent. Mindbody calculates the expected grand total of the cart, which is emitted as output.
Shopping cart - get totals
Calculates the total amount of the cart.
Two-way sync add or update a client
An action for two-way syncing new and updated clients, with enhanced on-the-fly mapping using client email addresses for matching. Can only be used with enhanced two-way sync triggers that support on-the-fly mapping.
Two-way sync add or update a client (mappable account)
An action for two-way syncing new and updated clients, with enhanced on-the-fly mapping using client email addresses for matching. Can only be used with enhanced two-way sync triggers that support on-the-fly mapping.
Update appointment
Updates an existing appointment
Update client
Updates a client by ID.
Update client id
Updates an existing client's id. An error occurs if the id cannot be changed, for example if it already exists.
Update client visit
Updates a client visit.
Update product price
Updates the price of the specified product.
Update sale date
Updates the date of the specified sale.
Update service price
Updates the price of the specified service.
Update staff
Updates an existing staff member
Upload client document
Uploads a client document from the provided URL. NOTE: the file must be no larger than 4MB
Upload client profile photo
Uploads a client's profile photo from the provided URL. NOTE: the image file must be no larger than 4MB
MINDBODY Templates
Templates are pre-built integrations you can install in seconds