
Pipedrive Integrations

Integrate Pipedrive with other apps and automate your workflow

Pipeline software and CRM for deal makers. Get super-organized. Close deals in less time.
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Triggers (7)
New Activity
Triggers when a new activity is created.
New deal
Triggered when a new deal is created.
New organization
Triggered when a new organization is added.
New Person
Triggered when a new person (contact) is added.
New Person (with Custom Fields and Labels)
Triggered when a new person (contact) is added.
New Person (with Custom Fields)
Triggered when a new person (contact) is added.
Stage Updated (instant)
Triggered when the stage of a deal changes.
Actions (20)
Add File
Adds a file to a person, deal or organization
Add new activity
Creates a new activity.
Add new deal
Adds a new deal. Returns the deal's id.
Add New Note to Deal
Adds a new note to a deal.
Add or Update a Deal
Updates a Deal and their respective properties in Pipedrive
Add or Update a Deal, Person or Organization
Updates a Deal and their respective properties in Pipedrive
Add or Update a Person
Updates a person and their respective customer properties in Pipedrive
Add or Update a Person (with Custom Fields and Labels)
Updates a person and their respective customer properties in Pipedrive
Add organization
Adds a new organization if the name is not found. Returns the organization's id.
Add Person
Adds a new person if the email is not found. Returns the person's id.
Find organization IDs by name
Searches for organizations having the specified name. May return zero or more organization IDs.
Find person by email
Searches for a single person having the specified email. An error occurs if zero or multiple are found.
Find person IDs by email
Searches for persons having the specified email. May return zero or more person IDs.
Get deal
Returns the specified deal. If not found, an error occurs.
Get organization
Returns the specified organization. If not found, an error occurs.
Get person
Returns the specified person. If not found, an error occurs.
Get related deals for person
Returns deals having the specified status that are related to the specified person.
Get stage ID by stage name
Returns the stage id if the stage name exists.
Merge organizations
Merges two organization accounts. Info from the organization record to discard is merged into the organization record to keep.
Merge persons
Merges two person accounts. Info from the person record to discard is merged into the person record to keep.
Pipedrive Templates
Templates are pre-built integrations you can install in seconds