
Shopify Integrations

Integrate Shopify with other apps and automate your workflow

Shopify is a simple way to create an online store to list products, collect credit card payments, and ship your goods.
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Triggers (17)
New cart (instant)
Triggered when a cart is created.
New customer
Triggered when a new customer is added.
New customer (instant)
Triggered when a customer is added.
New order
Triggered when a new order is received.
New order (instant)
Triggered when an order is created.
New paid order (instant)
Triggered when an order is paid.
New product
Triggered when a new product is added.
Order fulfilled (instant)
Triggered when an order is fulfilled.
Order partially fulfilled (instant)
Triggered when an order is partially fulfilled.
Two-way sync new or updated customers
A polling trigger for two-way syncing new and updated customers, with enhanced on-the-fly mapping. Can only be used with enhanced two-way sync actions that support on-the-fly mapping.
Updated cart (instant)
Triggered when a cart is updated.
Updated customer (instant)
Triggered when a customer is updated.
Updated fulfillment status
Triggered when an order's fulfillment status is updated.
Updated order
Triggered when an order is updated.
Updated order (instant)
Triggered when an order is updated.
Updated order payment status
Triggered when an order's payment status is updated.
Updated product
Triggered when a product is updated.
Actions (54)
Add customer
Creates a new customer. An error will occur if a customer having the same email or phone number already exists.
Add metafield to customer
Adds a metafield to the specified customer.
Add or update customer
Creates a new customer if the email does not exist, otherwise updates the existing customer.
Add product image
Adds a new product image from the image at the specified URL.
Add tags to customer
Adds one or more tags to the customer with the specified email. An error occurs if more than one customer is found. Existing tags on the customer are not removed.
Add tags to order
Adds one or more tags to the specified order. Existing tags on the order are not removed.
Add transaction to order
Adds a new transaction to the specified order.
Apply gift card adjustment
Adjusts the balance of the specified gift card.
Change product option names
Updates an existing product. Replaces only data that is set.
Change product option names and values
Updates an existing product. Replaces only data that is set.
Complete draft order
Completes a draft order.
Connect inventory item to a location
Connects an inventory item to a location by creating an inventory level at that location.
Create product
Creates a new product.
Create product variant
Creates a new product variant.
Delete item from location
Deletes an inventory level of an inventory item at a location. Deleting an inventory level for an inventory item removes that item from the specified location. Every inventory item must have at least one inventory level. To move inventory to another location, first connect the inventory item to another location, and then delete the previous inventory level.
Delete product
Deletes an existing product.
Delete product variant
Deletes an existing product variant.
Find customer by email
Returns the customer ID having the specified email. If the customer is not found, an error occurs.
Find location by name
Returns the ID of the location with the specified name. An error occurs if zero or multiple are found.
Find orders
Finds orders based upon search criteria. Emits the IDs of any matching orders. Use the "get order" action to fetch details for found orders.
Find product by title
Finds a product by a title search. An error occurs if zero or multiple match.
Find product variant by SKU
Returns all fields for the specified product variant matching the provided SKU. An error occurs if multiple are found.
Find product variant by title
Finds a product variant by a title search. An error occurs if zero or multiple match.
Get customer
Returns all fields for the specified customer ID. If the customer is not found, an error occurs.
Get fulfillment order
Returns details for the specified order ID and fulfillment order ID. If either the order or fulfillment order is not found, an error occurs. Use the "get fulfillment order ids for order" action to fetch the fulfillment order ids for an order.
Get fulfillment order ids for order
Returns all fulfillment order ids for the specified order ID. If the order is not found, an error occurs. Use the "get fulfillment order" action to fetch details for each emitted fulfillment order ID.
Get inventory quantity
Returns the quantity of the specified inventory item. May return an array of results if no location is specified and the inventory item is available at multiple locations. No error occurs if the item is not found.
Get locations
Returns details for all locations.
Get metafields for customer
Returns up to 250 metafields for the specified customer.
Get order
Returns all fields for the specified order ID. If the order is not found, an error occurs.
Get product
Returns all fields for the specified product ID. If the product is not found, an error occurs.
Get product count
Retrieve a count of all products.
Get product variant
Returns all fields for the specified product variant ID. If the product variant is not found, an error occurs.
Get product variant by SKU
Returns all fields for the specified product variant matching the provided SKU. If zero or multiple are found, an error occurs.
Move fulfillment order line item
Changes the location which is assigned to fulfill a number of unfulfilled fulfillment order line items.
Order - add discount code
Adds a discount code to an order.
Order - add line item
Adds a line item to an order.
Order - add line item discount line
Adds a discount line to the last line item in the order. An error occurs if the order has no line item.
Order - add line item property
Adds a property to the last line item in the order. An error occurs if the order has no line item.
Order - add line item tax line
Adds a tax line to the last line item in the order. An error occurs if the order has no line item.
Order - create
Creates a new order.
Order - initialize
Initializes a new order Emits an order ID that must be passed into other order actions to add line items and discount codes to the order and to create the order.
Remove tags from customer
Removes one or more tags from the customer with the specified email.
Remove tags from order
Removes one or more tags from the specified order.
Send customer invite
Sends an account invite to a customer specified by their email address.
Two-way sync add or update a customer
An action for two-way syncing new and updated customers, with enhanced on-the-fly mapping using customer email addresses for matching. Can only be used with enhanced two-way sync triggers that support on-the-fly mapping.
Update customer
Updates an existing customer.
Update inventory item
Updates an existing inventory item.
Update inventory quantity
Updates the quantity of the specified inventory item at the specified location.
Update order
Updates an order.
Update order as fulfilled
Updates all order line items to mark them as fulfilled.
Update order line item as fulfilled
Updates an order line item to mark it as fulfilled.
Update product
Updates an existing product. Only data that is set is replaced.
Update product variant
Updates an existing product variant. Replaces only data that is set.
Shopify Templates
Templates are pre-built integrations you can install in seconds