
Smartsheet Integrations

Integrate Smartsheet with other apps and automate your workflow

Smartsheet spreadsheets are an intuitive online project management tool enabling teams to increase productivity using cloud, collaboration, and mobile technologies.
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Triggers (3)
New row
Triggered when a new row is added to the specified sheet.
New sheet
Triggered when a new sheet is created.
Updated row
Triggered when any row is updated in the specified sheet.
Actions (11)
Add row
Adds a new row to the specified sheet.
Copy row to another sheet
Copies a row from one sheet to another sheet. The placement of the cells in the destination sheet is determined by Smartsheet's logic.
Delete row
Deletes a row provided its id
Find rows
Searches for rows in a specified sheet containing the specified value. Returns zero or more row IDs. Use the 'get row' action within a Loop to fetch each row's contents.
Find rows by column value
Searches for rows in a specified sheet having the specified value in a specified column. Zero, one, or multiple row IDs may be returned.
Find single row
Searches for a single row in a specified sheet matching the specified value. If zero or multiple rows are found, an error occurs.
Find single row by column value
Searches for a single row in a specified sheet having the specified value in a specified column. If zero or multiple rows are found, an error occurs.
Get row
Returns the column data for the specified row. An error occurs if the row is not found.
Move row to another sheet
Moves a row from one sheet to another sheet. The placement of the cells in the destination sheet is determined by Smartsheet's logic.
Two-way sync add or update a row
Creates or updates a row in a sheet. For use only with two-way sync triggers.
Update row
Updates a row in a specified sheet
Smartsheet Templates
Templates are pre-built integrations you can install in seconds