
Zoom Integrations

Integrate Zoom with other apps and automate your workflow

Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, group messaging, and a software-based conference room solution into one easy-to-use platform.
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Triggers (13)
Meeting ended (instant)
Triggered when a meeting ends.
Meeting registration cancelled (instant)
Triggered when a meeting registration is cancelled.
Meeting started (instant)
Triggered when a meeting starts.
New recording completed
Triggered when a cloud recording is completed.
New recording completed (all active licensed accounts)
Triggered when a cloud recording is completed in any licensed active account.
New recording completed (specified account)
Triggered when a cloud recording is completed for the specified account.
Recording completed (instant)
Triggered when a recording completes.
Upcoming meeting
Triggered when a meeting is upcoming in the specified amount of time. NOTE: this trigger only fetches up to 300 meetings at a time. If more than 300 meetings are within the specified timeframe, those additional meetings will not be triggered.
Upcoming meeting (all active licensed accounts)
Triggered when a meeting is upcoming in the specified amount of time for any active licensed account. NOTE: this trigger only fetches up to 300 meetings at a time for each account. If more than 300 meetings are within the specified timeframe, those additional meetings will not be triggered.
Upcoming meeting (specified account)
Triggered when a meeting is upcoming in the specified amount of time for the specified account. NOTE: this trigger only fetches up to 300 meetings at a time. If more than 300 meetings are within the specified timeframe, those additional meetings will not be triggered.
Upcoming meeting via integration setting (all active licensed accounts)
Triggered when a meeting is upcoming in the amount of time given by the specified integration setting stored in a lookup table. The default is 30 minutes if the setting is not found.
Webinar ended (instant)
Triggered when a webinar ends.
Webinar started (instant)
Triggered when a webinar starts.
Actions (28)
Add meeting registrant
Adds a registrant to the specified meeting. The meeting must have been created with an approval_type of "0" or "1", in which registrants are either automatically or manually approved.
Add meeting registrant (mappable account)
Adds a registrant to the specified meeting. The meeting must have been created with an approval_type of "0" or "1", in which registrants are either automatically or manually approved.
Add webinar registrant
Adds a registrant to the specified webinar. The webinar must have been created with an approval_type of "0" or "1", in which registrants are either automatically or manually approved.
Add webinar registrant (mappable account)
Adds a registrant to the specified webinar. The webinar must have been created with an approval_type of "0" or "1", in which registrants are either automatically or manually approved.
Create meeting
Creates a new meeting.
Create meeting (mappable account)
Creates a new meeting.
Create webinar
Creates a new webinar.
Create webinar (mappable account)
Creates a new webinar.
Delete meeting
Deletes the specified meeting.
Delete meeting (mappable account)
Deletes the specified meeting.
Delete webinar
Deletes the specified webinar.
Delete webinar (mappable account)
Deletes the specified webinar.
Find meeting by agenda
Finds a meeting that matches the provided agenda. An error occurs if zero or multiple meetings match.
Find meeting by agenda (mappable account)
Finds a meeting that matches the provided agenda. An error occurs if zero or multiple meetings match.
Get approved meeting registrants
Returns approved registrants (up to 300 max) registrants for the specified meeting.
Get connection mode
Returns the mode of the named Zoom connection, either Individual or Admin.
Get meeting
Outputs details for the specified meeting.
Get meeting participant report
Returns a report of a past meeting with two or more participants, including the host.
Get meeting poll report
Returns a report of poll results for a past meeting.
Get meeting registrant
Returns details for the specified registrant in the specified meeting.
Get past meeting participants
Returns the ID, name, and email of all participants for the specified past meeting
Get user settings
Outputs all settings for the specified user.
Update meeting
Updates an existing meeting.
Update meeting (mappable account)
Updates an existing meeting.
Update meeting registrant status
Updates a registrant's status for the specified meeting.
Update meeting registrant status (mappable account)
Updates a registrant's status for the specified meeting.
Update webinar
Updates an existing webinar.
Update webinar (mappable account)
Updates an existing webinar.
Zoom Templates
Templates are pre-built integrations you can install in seconds